From the time the girls got off the plane they were looking forward to the food.
This was pollo frito which is fried chicken with tomato,cucumber salad, rice, carrots,and some kind of squash.
It was delicious. The lime was present often at meals.
There was a local Mayan lady who came to Eagle's Nest daily selling her wares. She usually sold tortillas, but today we hit the jackpot with sweet potatoes, tamales, and some kind of plantain I think. The girls loved it !
We had this taco like dish two times because we all loved it. We got it from a local street vender. It had shredded chicken or beef, onions, sauce, with homemade tortillas! Deeelicious:) Nothing like our tacos here.
Another version of the fried chicken and note the radish salad. Carolina loved radishes when she came now I know why!!
Delicious fruit, mangoes,watermelon, papayas, pineapples !
Ok , I really love fish so even when presented
with the head and the tail I went for it !

The girls have always loved coconuts. When passing by coco frio stands we had to stop. It is a peeled coconut with a straw to drink the milk out of-then eat the coconut. They loved it!!!
I wish I had a picture of Claire's homemade apple pie we had on the Fourth of July! It had to be the best I have ever had ! We had so much good food. Mama Luky at the home was the main cook who took care of us like her own. She made us delicious meals in the evening (she always served me first). I guess because I was the oldest (that is one advantage of age). Claire said they have never had children from the states who came back that enjoyed the Guatemalan cuisine like my two girls!!!
Mama Luky -the queen of the cocina!!!