Thursday, October 13, 2011

An Attitude of Gratitude !

I was always taught the importance of writing thank you notes. At times it was a burden (like when I had hundreds to write when I got married), but mostly it is a joy to thank people for being thoughtful over their acts of service, hospitality or  a gift. Of course, when I had children I taught them to write thank you notes as well. I can remember how they would painstakingly write their notes when they were young.

Thank you cards from the 3rd grade!

Last week I went to New Covenant School to share about my trip to Guatemala this summer with my daughters. I spoke to K5-12th grade students and tried to keep ages 5-18 equally interested in my presentation. I loved seeing the kids again and sharing what God is doing in Guatemala and in our lives as well.

Mrs. Lamb's class

Today I received thank you notes from Mrs. Lamb's third grade class. I am not ashamed to admit I just cried as I read their sweet words to me. Some of the students I had in kindergarten and it was great to see how well they are writing now. It makes me feel happy to know I helped teach them how to form their alphabet letters and write their names . Even those I did not teach said how they would have liked to have had me as their teacher. I would have loved it too.There was such sweet innocence in their messages to me.It just made my heart feel full !

Psalm 92:1 says, "It is good to give thanks to the Lord..." so I am thanking Him for teachers like Mrs. Lamb who are teaching children to have an attitude of gratitude and for the children who brightened my day beyond measure!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Firecrackers for Carolina !

There is a custom in Guatemala where firecrackers are thrown at the doorstep of the birthday child at midnight. I guess it is to wake them up to say, "Feliz Cumpleanos". Although we did not do the midnight firecrackers, there will be some fireworks later this evening to celebrate- Carolina (pronounced car-o-lena)
Lacea (named after Randy's mom) Roh  as she celebrates her 20th year today!  What a blessing she is to us !

Carolina loves animals especially Brinkley!

She loves the beach!

She's got sass!

She's quite a lass!

Happy 20th birthday !