In the past few weeks I have been "musing" quite a bit about headlines in the news about Planned Parenthood. You may have heard that the Komen Foundation pulled its funding for PP and there was quite an uproar. Since then they have returned to funding it again (most likely due to the uproar). Let me say very clearly that I am against Planned Parenthood. Its founder Margaret Sanger was pro abortion and as far as I can tell from reading her quotes, racial cleansing.
PP is the largest provider of abortions in this country. Yes, they do provide breast mammograms and other gyn services to low income women, but so do other agencies that do not perform abortions. My blood pressure goes up when I read about PP policies and what they advocate. I think most people are just not aware of the truth of what PP is all about.
Twenty five years ago a women walked into a crisis pregnancy center in San Diego thinking it was an abortion clinic wanting an abortion. The counselor met her with love and understanding. She decided to place her baby with a couple that had prayed for a baby for years. We were blessed with a wonderful son that spring day in 1986. We had the opportunity to meet both birth parents and for me to be in the delivery room.

Twenty two years ago a Hispanic woman went twice to an abortion clinic and was turned away because she did not have the money. Thankfully, she found her way to the same CPC in California. She too placed her precious baby boy with us. Both experiences were emotional, yet there was so much love all around. All of our lives were changed because a CPC was there in San Diego.

In Anderson a CPC opened twenty two years ago. Randy and I have been a part of it from the beginning. There is so much love and support for the women and their families. The love of Christ permeates the CPC. We get support from individuals and some churches. Sometimes I think if people only knew the lives that have been changed because we are here in Anderson. We have struggled for 22 years to keep the CPC open 3 days a week. There are pregnancy tests, ultra sounds, counseling, teaching, clothing, diapers, food, and love shared with the women and their babies. There is also forgiveness for those that have had abortions. It is a place of grace, God has continued to" keep oil in the lamp" and we are so thankful for His mercies .Our "oil" is getting low again as we approach our April fundraiser. God is faithful to supply all our needs.

So these are the musings of a golden retriever who loves to make people happy, but sometimes even golden retrievers have got to BARK !