Thursday, December 22, 2011

I miss my dad...he has been gone for 24 years now, but I still long to sit and talk with him and chat about the day.  I want to tell him about the kids and ask his advice.  Sometimes selfishly, I wish he was here to make me something for the house (he was a wonderful craftsman). I cherish anything he has made for me from a stool to the bookcase.  I'd like to tell him I understand NOW about so many things he told me  He once said about my husband that he could not have chosen any one better for me. He was so right about that!

Randil Munson Sr.

Mom and Dad on New Year's Eve 1972!


My dad believed in hard work and paying cash for things. He believed in excellence in whatever he did. He got dirty at work, but always cleaned himself up meticulously each evening. I always said my mom had it easy because she did not have to pick up after him! The lessons I learned from him are innumerable.

 He was not known for patience. however he made up for it by being loving and encouraging.  He was a WW II veteran. He must have made an impact on his men because two of them named their sons after him. We can learn so much from this generation.

He did not go to college, but was a very intelligent man. He was the one I went to for help with math. He encouraged education and sacrificed to send my brother and myself to college. 
Little Joshua and my dad

He got cancer because of his work with asbestos and developed mesothelioma (you've seen the ads). It was hard watching him suffer. He and I had the opportunity for some good talks though.
In the last year of his life he developed  faith in Jesus.  It was right before Christmas on this date in 1987 when he left his earthly life to enter into his heavenly home. I remember having a peace that passes all understanding because I knew that one day we will be together again for eternity.
 Merry Christmas Daddy!

"By grace you  have been saved through faith;  not of yourselves,  It is the gift of God, not as a result of works that no one should boast." Eph. 2:8,9