Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Last week my mother had a very special birthday! Since I promised I would not splash her age around, let's just say that she was born the year after women got the vote! My brother and his family came down from Delaware to help her celebrate. We went to the Bleckley Inn for some pictures.  

Here she is Rosemary Matazzaro Munson born July 15th to John and Mary Matazzaro in New Haven, Conn.
Nana and her grandchildren    
Birthday Queen
Randy (my  brother), Rita, Josh, Carolina, Jordan, Erin, (my nieces) David,Maria, Mason, Randy, Kim

What a fabulous time we had celebrating our mother and grandmother ! A gray head is a crown of glory! Proverbs 17:6    You wear it well mom:)


  1. Your mom looks beautiful! I know that she was very proud to have her family celebrate together. It was nice to see a picture of your brother and his family.

  2. What a wonderful post and terrific pictures. I'll never forget all the wonderful times we had together growing up!!
